German A1 , A2 ,B1, B2 Levels Online and offline classes

Well qualified faculties through the platform of online education bring in excellent live classes to your home accompanied with doubt clearance sessions.


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    Why should I Learn German?

    German is the most widely spoken language in Central Europe. And It is the most widely spoken and (co-)official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, South Tyrol (Italy), and the German-speaking Community of Belgium and Liechtenstein, it is also an official, but not majority language of Luxembourg. German language has four cases for nouns, pronouns and adjectives(nominative, accusative, genitive and dative). And Three genders (masculine, feminine, neuter). and strong and weak verbs. This means that learning the German Language is one of the best ways of making your future look more attractive. And It is the second most widely spoken Germanic language, after English.

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    Our Coures Online and Offline

    Well qualified faculties through the platform of online education bring in excellent live classes to your home accompanied with doubt clearance sessions.

    COURSE DESCRIPTION A1 can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions, and very simple sentences, which…

    COURSE DESCRIPTION A2 can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions, and very simple sentences, which…

    COURSE DESCRIPTION B1 can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions, and very simple sentences, which…

    COURSE DESCRIPTION B2 can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions, and very simple sentences, which…

    Checkout Our Facility



    Assured Placement

    100% Assured placement with medical facilities in Germany. Direct materials with german clients.




    Goethe syllabus will be taught.




    We have an European client webinar on 14th December. Please contact us or drop in an email to attend the webinar. Webinar will be followed by client interview.


    Client Interview

    Nurses who were interested in client process attended online interview with client. Selected candidates were given acceptance letter by client. Selected candidates will be starting their German language course with us by 1st week of December



    Client conducted webinar and explained about their selection process and benefits of working in Germany. Nurses from Kerala , Tamilnadu and Bangladesh attended the webinar.


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