The depth of knowledge in the German language is recognized at different levels. By studying these levels, You will be able to interact in a basic way, you can talk about yourself and your surrounding environment. 


German Language Level -A1

A1 can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions, and very simple sentences, which relate to the satisfying of concrete needs. And Can introduce him/herself and others as well as ask others about themselves – e.g. where they live, who they know, and what they own – and can respond to questions of this nature. And also Can communicate in a simple manner if the person they are speaking to speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

10 Students per batch – 2hrs/day

Batches: Monday To Saturday (9.30am-12.30pm), and (1pm-4pm)

Duration: 45 Days

German Language Level – A2

A2 can understand sentences and commonly used expressions associated with topics directly related to his/her direct circumstances (e.g. personal information or information about his/her family, shopping, work, immediate surroundings). And Can make him/herself understood in simple, and routine situations dealing with a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and common topics. And also Can describe his/her background and education, immediate surroundings, and other things associated with immediate needs in a simple way.

10 Students per batch – 2hrs/day

Batches: Monday To Saturday (9.30am-12.30pm), and (1pm-4pm)

Duration: 45 Days


German Language Level – B1

B1 Can understand the main points when clear, standard language is used and the focus is on familiar topics associate with work, school, leisure time, etc. And It can deal with most situations typically encountered when traveling in the language region. Can express him/herself simply and coherently regarding familiar topics and areas of personal interest. And also Can report on experiences and events, describe dreams, hopes, and goals as well as make short statements to justify or explain his/her own views and plans. When you complete A1,A2,B1, and B2, you will be able to understand and speak fluently in German.

10 Students per batch – 2hrs/day

Batches: Monday To Saturday (9.30am-12.30pm), and (1pm-4pm)

Duration: 60 Days

German Language Level – B2

B2 Can understand the main contents of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics; and also understands specialized discussions in his/her own primary area of specialization. And It can communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is easily possible without a great deal of effort on either side. Can express him/herself on a wide range of topics in a clear and detailed manner, explain his/her position on a current issue, and indicate the benefits and drawbacks of various options.


10 Students per batch – 2hrs/day

Batches: Monday To Saturday (9.30am-12.30pm), and (1pm-4pm)

Duration: 45 Days


German Language at Our Center:

We are providing individual attention to the students and they also can choose the flexible timing. Because of the mock test we are providing, students will be able to score a high score on their test. So students can appear confidently for the examination. Because of this proper scheduled training with well qualified trainers, We can assure the best result without any doubt.

For More details – Hallo Language

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